Indianwood Golf and Country Club Hosts GAM Golf Days Series Championship

Link to GAM Golf Days information: GOLF DAYS

  LAKE ORION – GAM members who have made the most of their GAM Golf Days this summer gather for one more day as Indianwood Golf & Country Club hosts the GAM Golf Days Series Championship presented by the Michigan Golf Journal Tuesday.

  Winners, both net and gross, will be determined among men, women and senior men. The field of 84 golfers became eligible for this final championship day by having won a previous Golf Day event earlier in the season. They will battle to be first again and receive a free Golf Day of their choice in 2020. Gift certificates will also be awarded to other top finishers in each category.

    Tuesday’s play completes the tenth season of GAM Golf Days, a service for all GAM members that offers playing opportunities at top golf courses across the state, including private clubs, for cost-saving rates. Golf Days, all with 84 open slots, offer a casual yet competitive day of golf to all GAM members, men and women, and provide opportunities no matter how they play the game.

  Entry fees, between $60 and $100 per player, includes 18 holes of golf, cart, range balls for warmup and prizes at the conclusion of the day. Each player receives their full course adjusted USGA/GAM Handicap. Players must have an active USGA/GAM Handicap to be eligible in the Net Division.

  Click on the Golf Days tab at for more information, and in the early spring be prepared to sign up for great playing opportunities.

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