Wouldn?t you like to have your lawn looking as lush as the fairways on your favorite golf course? Dan Boak, President of the Michigan Turfgrass Foundation, offers some tips to homeowners for making their lawns and gardens look like something off of HGTV.
- Lawns need ?? of moisture minimum daily. This will fluctuate as weather patterns do as well. More moisture during dry spells, less during rain spells.
- Perennials need watering 2-3 times weekly to keep growth, flowering and other aesthetics going. A slow release fertilizer every 7 to 8 weeks will benefit as well. Monitor for insect activity.
- Annual plantings need to have the soil kept moist. Fertilizing with Miracle Grow may need to be done weekly as well as ?dead heading? spent blossoms to maintain a colorful and vigorous display.
- Trees new and old may need a drink of water as well. Newly planted trees and shrubs may need daily watering for the first couple of weeks and weekly thereafter through the summer. Older established trees may need a drink once a month.
- Your lawn should be mowed to a height of 3.5? minimum throughout the summer. Mow as often as needed so only a third of the plant is being cut on each mowing. Try to return all clippings as they have moisture and nutrient reserves that will help condition your soil. And remember . . .
A well watered plant is a happy plant!