6th hole par 3 update: Werkmeister loses the hole to go 1 up.
7th hole, par 4 update: Preston hits a good drive, Werkmeister hits approach shot to the back of the green. Preston hits center of the green and then puts in his 10 foot putt. Werkmeister loses the hole to go all square (AS).
8th hole, par 4 update: Match remains AS.
9th hole, par 4 update: Preston hits his drive into the fairway bunker. Werkmeister hits his drive in the fairway. Werkmeister hits his shot onto the back of the green. Preston had a 45 foot putt and he ran it by and missed the come back putt and conceded Werkmeister putt.
Werkmeister goes 1 Up.
10th hole, par 3 update: Both make pars, halve the hole, Werkmeister remains 1 Up.
11th hole, par 4 udpate: Both make pars, halve the hole, Werkmeister remains 1 Up.
12th hole, par 5 update: Preston is on in two, Werkmeister is on the green in 3; both make 5, Werkmeister remains 1 Up.
13th hole, par 3 update: Werkmeister hits center of the green, and Preston has a fairly easy chip shot.
14th hole, par 4 update: Werkmeister drives his ball into the rough, and hits a tough approach shot which lands on the fringe of the green. Preston wins the hole with a solid 4. Match is AS.
15th hole, par 4 update: Both tee shots ended in the fairway, Werkmeister’s ball is sitting down in the grass, tough lie. Preston made a 4 and Werkmeister makes a 5; Preston goes 1 Up.
16th hole, par 4 update: Both players are on in regulation, Preston is away and rolls his putt 3 ft by, and Werkmeister has an agressive uphill 20 footer, he ran it approximately 5 ft by. Both players make par, match remains Preston 1 Up.
17th hole, par 4 update: Preston hit his drive which lands on the 11th fairway and his second shot into the left front bunker, Werkmeister hits his 2nd shot fifty ft away from the hole.
Werkmeister decides to chip his 3rd shot from on the green, it rolls long, missed putt and makes 5. Preston two putts for five. Preston remains 1 Up going into hole #18.
18th hole, par 4 update: Werkmeister’s drive is center cut middle. Preston’s drive is 10 ft away from the cart path. Preston has a shot to the green but not an easy one. Advantage Werkmeister. Werkmeister pulled his second shot into the left greenside bunker, Preston hits a spectacular shot middle of the green. Advantage Preston. Werkmeister hits a great bunker shot, Preston runs in his putt for a 3; Preston wins the match 2 Up.
Both players shake hands and Werkmeister congratulates Preston on his win.