Tom Werkmeister / 2009 Champion– “I finished OK. I feel much better. I know myself and I just take it one hole at a time. I’m ready for tomorrow. I had a bad swing on number seven, hooked it into the trees and ended up with a triple. But I started playing better on the back nine.”
Greg Davies / 2006 Champion – “I’ve always taken the view that I want to make the cut. I don’t want to take it for granted that I’m going to make it to match play.”
“I can’t say that I am hitting longer than I used to, but I would say that because of technology I can hit almost what I used to. I’d really be in trouble if it weren’t for technology.”
Roy Schultheiss / 1982 Champion – “I think the thing I most enjoyed about this morning’s round was my playing partners. I played with Greg Davies and Randy Lewis and that made for a lot of fun.”
“I’ve been playing in this tournament since I was 16 years old and I’m 55 now so to be here for the 100th anniversary of the Michigan Amateur is a real treat.”
Joey Garber / 2010 Champion – “It helps to have a good round during stroke play but no matter who you get paired against in match play you know you’re going to have a tough round.”
“I ended up with a 71 today but hopefully tomorrow I can shoot something with a six in front of it.”