GAM BLOG: Unexpected Victory

By Susan Smiley

GAM Director of Membership & Communications


When GAM members  Sandra Spens and Linda Kempf signed up to play in the 5th GAM Women’s Four-Ball Championship at Port Huron Golf Club this year, they didn’t really know what to expect. They had never signed up for a GAM tournament or event before and were not sure if it was really their cup of tea.

As it turned out, Spens and Kempf were the C-Flight Low Net Champions and were able to take home some official GAM hardware – or glassware if you will – to commemorate the occasion.  Never in their wildest dreams did they think they would be taking home a trophy from the event.  The idea was just to have some fun and get a sense of what GAM events were like.



Their friend and fellow Port Huron Elks member Kathy Liberty was the instigator. She talked them into signing up after she registered to play with her sister Mary Fran Liberty-Caza. The Four-Ball marked Liberty’s first-ever Gam event as well.  

“I played the worst golf I played this whole season,” said Liberty after day two of the tournament. “But I really enjoyed it. Now I’d like to play in more GAM events.”

Spens and Kempf also would like to participate in more GAM events now that they’ve had a taste of victory.

I love meeting new longtime GAM members like Spens, Kempf and the sisters Liberty who are willing to venture outside their comfort zone a bit and try something new.  I hear from GAM members and prospective members alike a certain anxiety related to events such as GAM tournaments and Golf Days. Am I good enough? Isn’t this stuff just for elite golfers? I think I might like to participate but I don’t want to put undue stress on myself.

The key, I think, is to approach the situation as these ladies did: go in with the expectation of enjoying the experience.

These four ladies would all like to play in some future GAM events. I chatted with them about the GAM Golf Days. They had not heard of the one-day competitive-but-fun events but are looking at possibly trying one of those. They are considering getting a team together for the GAM Scramble qualifier or possibly trying one of the GAM net events.

Sure, you may not think of yourself as a “tournament player”.  Spens and Kempf didn’t. They thought of themselves as just two women who love to play golf – a lot of golf. But now they can say they ARE bona fide tournament players. GAM events like the Four-Ball are just one more way to experience the sport that they’re passionate about.  

So if you are a new GAM member who has yet to try any of our events or a longtime GAM member looking to try something new, there is sure to be an event on the GAM schedule that fits your golf game. Why not give it a try? You might even end up taking home some hardware.