The LPGA Volvik Championship is looking for volunteers to join its tournament team for the inaugural event taking place May 23-29 at Travis Pointe Country Club in Ann Arbor. Currently, there are more than 300 volunteers signed up, but the team is still in need of a few more individuals to ensure the tournament runs smoothly.
The fee to volunteer is $75 and includes the following:
• Volunteer Uniform Package (golf shirt, outerwear, headgear)
• Volunteer Access Credential (Weeklong Grounds access)
• Volunteer Parking Pass (Weeklong Volunteer Lot Parking access)
• Guest Good-Any-One-Day Grounds Ticket
• Volvik golf ball gift pack
• Official Souvenir Program
• Food vouchers (for each shift worked)
• Two (2) free 18-hole rounds of golf at Ann Arbor’s municipal golf courses: One round at Leslie Park Golf Course and one round at Huron Hills Golf Course
Note: If the Volunteer does not plan to personally use the rounds of golf, then the rounds may be donated to the Ann Arbor Youth Golf Program or to a U.S. Military veteran. Volunteer can decide to donate either or both rounds at the time of Volunteer Package distribution.
To volunteer and join us for the LPGA Volvik Championship, please click here or for more information contact Laura Frick ([email protected]).