GHIN Mobile App
Score Posting Guide
Setting Up Your Digital Profile
To post scores you will need to setup a Digital Profile. The process is very self-explanatory, but if you need any assistance click HERE for a step-by-step guide.
GHIN Mobile App
The easiest way to post scores is with the GHIN Mobile App which can be downloaded at the links below. In addition to posting scores, there are optional features like stat tracking and GPS, plus other tools to make your golf experience more enjoyable.
*The GHIN Mobile App is a USGA product. The GAM does not receive any compensation for in-app purchases made by app users.
Guide Videos
Please use the following guides to assist you in your score posting and handicap lookup:
Desktop-Laptop Guides
Microsoft has stopped supporting Internet Explorer browser. Score posting does not work on this browser so please use Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge*