Golf Genius TM

Golf Genius Tournament Management

Golf Genius Tournament Management Club (TM Club) is a modern cloud-based software product that promises less work and superior results for golf professionals and tournament managers who organize and run golf tournaments. In addition to comprehensive tournament management functionality that saves the golf staff valuable time and eliminates complicated manual processes, TM Club also provides best-in-class fully customizable printed materials, unique features for organizing and managing golf leagues, and a comprehensive online knowledge base. Golf associations provide direct support to their member clubs, and  have the option of escalating support cases as needed to the Golf Genius Support Team.

Golf associations have been rolling out TM Club to their member clubs since 2017. To have your account activated, please contact your golf association.

The price of TM Club is included in your club’s membership with your golf association.

Whereas TM Club is focused on improved productivity and providing superb printed materials, Golf Genius Tournament Management Club Premium (TM Club Premium) delivers all the benefits of TM Club plus mobile app and live scoring, online event registration and payments, customizable websites (for each event, league or outing), unlimited sponsor content (delivered via the mobile app, event website, printed materials, and TV leaderboards), trip management, text messaging and integration with other club systems (club websites, cart/GPS systems, etc).

TM Club Premium is an optional upgrade for any member club currently on TM Club. To learn more about TM Club Premium, or to upgrade your TM Club account, please contact your golf association or click here to submit an inquiry to the Golf Genius Sales Team.

In 2023, member clubs with 36 holes or less will pay $3,500 for a one-year subscription to TM Club Premium plus a one-time $500 Premium Onboarding Fee. Clubs will renew their subscription annually at the prevailing annual subscription cost.

Club Services

GAM Championships & USGA Qualifiers


Golf Courses


GAM Members


Amateur Championships