Handicapping 101

Understanding Indexes and Handicaps

General Handicapping FAQs
Golfers may NOT edit or delete their own scores. Contact the GAM at [email protected] or a club administrator to make the correction for you.
Handicap Indexes are revised DAILY. As long as the score is posted prior to midnight EST, your Handicap Index will reflect this score the following day.

You must have at least 3 18-hole scores posted to establish a Handicap Index. Nine-hole scores that you post will combine with other 9-hole scores and appear as an 18-hole score.

H = Home Score

A = Away Score

N = 2 Nine Hole Combined Scores

C = Competition Score

Yes! 9-hole scores can still be posted via the GAM website or the GHIN Mobile App.

If you are playing outside the U.S. and need proof of your handicap here is a solution: Login to your GAM profile and click “View Handicap.” You will be able to print your Handicap Card from that page. Your Handicap Card can also be viewed on the GHIN Mobile App.

You can post your out-of-state scores the same way that you post Michigan scores that are not from your home club. Set the AWAY tab search for the state where you played and look up the course from which you need to record your score.

You should have the same GHIN number with GAM as with your out-of-state club. If you see that you have two different GHIN numbers, please contact [email protected]. If your out-of-state club is in Canada, contact the GAM at handicap@gam.org and include the following information in your email: your name, the name of your GAM club, your GHIN number and the name of your out-of-state club, the province it is in, and what would be the equivalent of your handicap ID number from that club. 

Your handicap records must be linked making you a “multi member.” This way, you won’t have to double post your scores. Wherever you post, your scores will flow into one single handicap record. Just contact the GAM at handicap@gam.org with your name, the name of the two clubs to which you belong, and your GHIN number. 

Yes, you will have to pay the annual membership fee at all state/regional golf associations to which you belong. Membership in a state golf association includes many other benefits in addition to handicap service and membership dues cover all of those things.

This will NOT make you a USGA member. However, just as it is now, your Handicap Index will be an official USGA Handicap Index.