Around The Industry

Publications from the Michigan State University Turf and Landscape Extension, the USGA Green Section, the Michigan State University Extension/ Water Quality Digest, MSU Pest Management Digest, and the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development have been recently released. The Michigan Turfgrass Foundation is proud to share recent news and support these exceptional turf related programs at Michigan State University and turf related organizations throughout our industry.

Michigan Turfgrass Foundation

Welcome Back to News Notes!
News Notes was a regular publication, years back, for the Michigan Turfgrass Foundation (MTF) with information on past events, current news and events, and Turf Team reports. We plan on bringing back that same information and more! This will be the first of two issues you will receive this year, with the second being published in the Fall.
We really hope you enjoy the magazine!

Turfgrass Field Day Recap
AUGUST 11, 2021
For the MSU Turf Team and the more than 400 participants who came out to learn, network and participate in the study of turfgrass, it turned out to be a great day. One day later, and it would have been a completely different story, as MSU along with many other Michigan areas, received 4 inches of rain overnight.
Highlights from the day included Dr. Vargas’s turf dust – IRS comparison, Dr. Frank’s barefoot test and learning that Poa Annua ranks only behind cockroaches on the toughness scale. Follow the link for a recap of the day.
Michigan Department of Agriculture & Rural Development

Consumer Advisory: Beware of Scams around Mosquito Treatment, Applications
Find licensed companies online at
LANSING, MI – After explosion of mosquito populations across the state, many Michiganders are turning to pesticides to combat these annoying pests. The Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD) is advising the public to avoid falling victim to scams and illegitimate businesses, and to only hire licensed mosquito control companies. A list of companies licensed to control mosquitoes in Michigan can be found at
MSU Turf & Landscape Digest

What growers and landscapers need to know about box tree moth
July 19 | Heidi Lindberg, Jeremy Jubenville, David Lowenstein and David Smitley
On May 28, 2021, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) announced that it had confirmed the presence of box tree moth, Cydalima perspectalis, in the continental United States and is working to contain and eradicate the invasive pest. Growers and landscapers can learn more about the situation on Aug. 5 when Michigan State University Extension will be partnering with Clemson University to offer a free webinar, “What Growers and Landscapers Need to Know About Box Tree Moth,” from 12:30-2 p.m. During the webinar, we will cover signs of the box tree moth and actions to take to treat the moths.

Help needed from Michigan residents: Protect America’s boxwood from invasive caterpillar
July 19 | Heidi Lindberg, Jeremy Jubenville, David Lowenstein and David Smitley
On May 28, 2021, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) announced that they confirmed the presence of box tree moth, Cydalima perspectalis, in the continental United States and are working to contain and eradicate the invasive pest. The infested boxwood has been removed and surrounding host-material has been treated. Caterpillars of the invasive moth, native to east Asia, first consume the leaves and then the bark of the plant, thereby killing the shrubs. The box tree moth was first accidentally introduced in 2007 in Germany and since then has destroyed an estimated 75% of boxwood shrubs in Europe.
USGA Green Section

Is Methiozolin the Holy Grail of Poa annua Control?
A newly registered Poa annua control herbicide is now being put through its paces on golf courses. Will it be the holy grail that many superintendents have been hoping for?

Make Every Herbicide Application Count
Don’t let herbicide antagonism get the best of your weed control efforts in fine fescue naturalized areas.

Happy Accidents
Sometimes mistakes on the golf course can prove to be valuable learning experiences if we are open to their lessons.

Getting a Handle on Thatchy Fairways
Excess thatch can be a concern on fairways, particularly during periods of wet weather like we have been experiencing lately

Windshield Notepad
Trying to remember everything that needs to be completed during a busy day on the golf course can be difficult. If only a to-do list could be right in front of you throughout the day…

Preparing for Renovations
Many courses have renovation projects on the horizon. Start planning early so that you have everything in place to complete the project and protect the investment over the long-term.

Developing a Drought-Emergency Plan
Golf courses everywhere face the risk of drought and water restrictions. Whether your course experiences drought frequently or almost never, it’s important to have a drought emergency plan in place.